Sunday, January 5, 2014

What Does the Fox Hat Say?

In my opinion, there is nothing cuter than a kitschy little hat to complete your winter outfit. Bonus points if your hat is an animal. This Christmas, I decided to make Anya a "fox hat", inspired by one of our favorite books "Looking for Alaska".

Since I couldn't find a pattern that fit my idea at the fabric store, I looked up a DIY on Google. I followed the instructions given on this Youtube page ( to create the basic shape of the hat (it's basically two pieces of fleece that need to be sewn together). Using a pattern that I made, I created two ears out of orange and white fleece. I left to holes on either side of the hat so their was space for the ears to fit.

You could use this same pattern to make a cat hat if you used a black, white, or brown fabric.

Adorable, right?! And it's perfect for all this snow we've been getting recently. It's incredibly warm since it's made out of blizzard fleece.

What animal would you want to portray with a hat?

Sarah xo

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