Sunday, April 13, 2014

From Free Bin to Fabulous

After not posting for a couple weeks in a row, I'm trying hard to get back into the habit of posting every weekend, which explains the new post so soon after the last one. Anyway, it finally seems as though spring has descended upon the Boston area. Yay!

This cardigan is so incredibly easy to make and is perfect for a chilly spring day. Did I tell you about the "free bin" at Smith College? It's a box in the lobby of Anya's house - what they call dorms at Smith - and students put in anything that they want to give away. Anya's found not only clothes, but linens, and shoes, too. She says things never last very long in there and it's really a great way to find things to upcycle!  Anyway, she found this long sleeved tee one day. It's a pretty color but ended up being just a little too small to be comfortable. As you should know about me by now, I'm a big fan of upcycling so, instead of just putting it back into the free box, she gave it to me to transform. All I did was make a simple cut up the front of the shirt, add some pretty vintage looking ribbon along the cut edges and it's a new cardigan! It's the perfect accessory for a chilly morning and looks really cute!
So, next time you're tempted to give away a long sleeved tee because it's too small, think about transforming it into a cardigan instead!

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